Documenting Terror Victims Commemoration Sites A Project In Memory Of Asaf (Blondi) Zur A People Remembers
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Attack's place

Terror Attack Place:

Zomet Megido

Commemoration Site:

Zomet Megido


Golan and Northern Israel



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On Wednesday June 5th 2002 Egged bus route 830 went from Tel Aviv to Tveria.

Around 7:15 am near Megido junction a car bomb exploded near the bus gas tank. As a result the bus turned over and crashed in flames.

17 people were killed and tens were wounded.

The seventeen people killed are commemorated at the place of attack in a monument created by the familes.




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  1. Mr
    21/01/2008  Irwin Durbach
  2. ZL
    09/04/2011  Esther Ginsberg